A Good Place For Watching Engineering Videos
There is good news to all those who want to learn stuff related to engineering. Most people learn through visual presentations that is why videos are easier to comprehend. Now there is a new go to website if want to watch very informative engineering videos. This place on the World Wide Web is dedicated to presenting people videos that help them better absorb engineering concepts. The bonus is that, being presented in animated video form, learning engineering stuff is much more fun which makes it easier to retain in the head. Even more good news is the fact that they try their best to keep Mathematics at a minimum so this is great to people who feel intimidated by numbers and formulae.
This web based company is based in India, which is home to many of the world's best engineers. The team behind this website is small with only four people but they are dedicated to the cause. They get a lot of support from people all over the world and this helps them keep engineering videos free for many of us to use. They could use more support than what they currently have and that support will encourage them to deliver more and more videos for you and me.
They feel satisfied sharing their experience and their knowledge to the rest of the world through animation that is absolutely easy to understand. So what can one really espect from their learning platform?
Well they have animated videos that cover topics related to Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and a lot more. For the Electrical Engineering category, you get to know the basic of how electricity works through great videos. They also have videos to help you understand various electrical machines, study engineering!
Under the Mechanical Engineering category, there are even more videos to watch. From the fundamentals of the discipline to technologies as complex asa powerplant. Meanwhile if what you are more interested in is leaning strength of materials or structural analysis because you are leaning towards civil engineering then there are videos for that as well.
So if you are really serious about learning, you do not need to break a bank for education that you can obtain online. Visit their website and learning engineering videos for free. If you love their work and would like to support them you can also extend some assistance through this other page. Find out more here.